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which is opened to accomodate Hillary's (and no one else's) mindless musing and daily rantings.
Now that you're here, I can't stop you from doing whatever you want. It's the cyberworld anyway.
As you can see for yourself, navigations are right on top of what you're reading now. Lastly, do
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Cheers! :D
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Tuesday, February 24, 2009, 3:49 PM
You're...1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 today!!
Haha. Today's your day, so you MUST enjoy today!
It's nice knowing you, through ZHI-HIGH CLAN. :D
Hope our friendship will last!! And, may all your wishes come true (don't be too greedy though, xDD) and may God bless you! [Same goes to Ivy.] Oh, and study hard too! Studies are important, but so are your friends and family! Happy birthday! (No mood to blog today, =/)If you say 'I love you', say it when you really mean it. And if you really mean it, say it all the time. 'Cos people forget.
Monday, February 23, 2009, 5:48 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY IVY! ;DDDD You're 15th today. It means that you're one year older, one year wiser, one year smarter, and one year prettier! Haha, hope you'll enjoy your special day today, cos today's your day!! May all your wishes come true (don't be greedy though! xDD) and may God bless you too! Study hard, play hard, but don't neglect your friends and family as well! (Hope you'll find a NICER and more HANDSOME boyfriend! :D) The day didn't started off nicely. Ms How scolded us for not producing quality work. So, yea, typical teachers... Nag, nag, nag, nag, nag, nag, nag, nag, nag, nag, nag, nag, nag, nag, nag, nag, nag, nag, nag, nag, nag......
We were kinda lucky that Mr Goh decided to test us after recess. ;DD
PE!! We were supposed to run 2 rounds outside the school. But me, Crystal, Debra and Claire decided to walk 2 rounds instead of run. Haha. But in the end, we only walked 1 round. xDD We action action, run out and run in only. Hahaha, xDDDDDD
Recess-ed. And Cheryl told us that Amelia managed to knock over the fire extinguisher by using her shoulders. Haha.
Mrs WongVL was a spoiler! I actually wanted to do the test in a good mood. And then she said, 'Hillary, afterwards follow me to un-stitch your short skirt.' -.-" That spoiled my mood. =/ Amaths test was ok-ok. But I'm still bound to flunk it! xDD
So, yea. Followed Mrs Wong down, and along the way, she caught Lydia too. And she referred us to MDM Suzie. (Damnit!) MDM Suzie got us to un-stitch our skirts and sent us to detention. DAMN IT!! =/ First-timers also get detention!? Janna said she didn't had to go for detention when her got caught for her skirt. -.-
I was venting out my frustrations, and then Lydia and I guai guai went for detention. Blahblahblah~~ 2 hours went by, and it was FAREWELL to Flexi Room 2! :D
Was on my way out of school went Clayton and Fu Cheng asked me out for lunch. So, yea, I was hungry and so I agreed to. Jovian was there too. The 3 of them were super irritating luh. Kept taking my stuffs and kept teasing me. And Jovian, I still want my giraffe! :D I left after finishing my sundae.
Blahblahblah~~ Bus-ed home, and life goes on. (:
Till then, see ya!
Saturday, February 21, 2009, 9:41 PM
I've been pangseh-ed by Veron Ong today, -,-Went out with Shumei, Dominic, Clayton, Weisheng and Jovian.We went to Plazasing and then to The Cathay to watch Pink Panther 2. It's super funnnnnnny. Haha.Walked around PS after the movie with Jovian while the rest except Shumei went to the arcade.Shumei went home before the movie, =/Ohoh, and Jovian said he'll buy me the bigbig giraffe for me on my birthday.Haha. The giraffe was to motivate me to grow TALLER.:DWent back home after that.I just realised that there's some talking or advertising after the first song, Lucky.Well, just ignore it.IDK why it was there too. xDDTill then, see ya! :D
Friday, February 20, 2009, 10:03 PM
Today has been yet another tiring day.I reached home at like, 8.40pm. O.oAttended SL investiture in the morning.I'm so pissed off with Ms Soh's dressing, -.-It's so ugly that you can't take your eyes of her.Went back to class, had bio practical.And as usual, I was playing with the materials and apparatus.Haha, xDDMr Goh said he'll be continue teaching Amaths until he finishes chapter3.And he haven't started on the 2nd chapter of Emaths.-.-Recessed with Sistars, :DElect lit lesson was FUNNNNN! ;DDDDDDMdm Divya was absent and we were practically playing around instead of doing the worksheet.Lot of funny stuffs happened. Haha, ;DDLeft half-way through English lesson.Ohoh! And Mr Tan said that we can film MDM Suzie for our newscast project!Lol, everyone got very excited.Haha.Lunched in school, changed, and sang a bday song for OBAMA.We actually wanted to sing it for Kok Wee but we couldn't find him.So, yea...And Obama said he'll buy me another slice. :DBus-ed to SGS and we were, again, the first school to reach even though we were late.We even thought they left without us cos we couldn't find anyone!Haha.So, yea..bus-ed to HTA and rehearsed and rehearsed and rehearsed.Edmond xia suay-ed himself there a lot of times!Haha! xDDFinished with the rehearsals and bus-ed back to SGS.Our school was the nosiest ones on the bus. Haha.We even waved to people on lorries. (It was Edmond's idea!!)Haha.Went back to Hougang after that, and took 112 home.Kays, I gotta go!Goodnight!! (:
Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 5:15 PM
Firstly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUMMY! :DSecondly, there's nothing much to talk about today.Chem test was still okay. And so was Emaths test. People keep saying that I'm sick in the mind for saying that I did the Emaths test until very happy.-.-But my simultaneous equation question is definitely WRONG! xDDMrs Krishnah blew her top for the very first time.But I don't even think she should scold us luh.She should have seen 2integ'08 and/or 2sin'08 before even scolding us, -.-And up till now, she still doesn't know our names, and worse, she doesn't turn up for LCE with us.But we can't blame her for that because she has lessons with sec4s and 5s.But, seriously, we make little noise only scold us like we killed someone like that, -.-She kept saying that being in a double science class, expectations for us are definitely higher than the rest, because our results tells others that we are better behaved(Blahblahblah~ Teachers always like to say the same old things. No creativity at all, -.-)That's lame, right? What's is wrong with teachers nowadays?Results only prove that we are good in studies, but not necessarily in terms of our behaviour.-.-Anyway, I don't feel like typing anymore.I'm tiredddd~ xDDSee ya!There's no going back, cos what's done is done. But I really miss you.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009, 8:57 PM
Today has been one of the sleepiest school day of my life.I slept in Bio class until Isaac woke me up. -.-Today's VIP was about the CIP trip to Batam last year!Haha, Huiearm's face kept appearing. LOL!?Ran rounds during PE, and played Captain's Ball.Got 'chased' out of the parade square by Mr Tong.Haha. Our next move was funny!And that new PE teacher knows how to do yoga! Haha!Can fight with Cheryl already, xDDChem, as usual, was boring. I ALMOST fell asleep.SS WORST! Can't even sleep when you want to.Cos we gotta prepare for SS test, and learn the SEQ format. Recess, blahblahblah~Yup, I fell asleep during Bio.Next two lessons will be practical lessons.THIS SHOWS THAT AT LEAST I KNEW WHAT WAS GOING ON IN CLASS WHILE I WAS SLEEPING! xDDDDDDWatched the videos created by previous batch during English.We're all looking forward to watching Michelle Foo's cosplay video! Haha, xDDDismissed and lunched at Macs with classmates, :DLittle girl ate a lot.Oh, sorry little girl about the stick thingggy.. =/Went back to school for CIP briefing, and got lectured by Ms Koh.Wth? She should've seen 2integ'08. She'll definately blow her top.Went to LJS with Xh, Tingya, Claire, Shuyi and Deb.Slacked there for a while and went home.-Ohoh! Here's the personality quiz from Xy! xDD1) Arrange the following animals in order of your preference.Cow, tiger, sheep, horse, pigCow, pig, sheep, horse, tiger2) For each of the following, use one word to describe it.Dog, cat, rat, coffee, seaDog: lovelyCat: sleepy-headRat: disgusting/cheeseCoffee: refreshingSea: salty/kayaking3) Write someone important to you with the colour that best describe him/her.Red, green, orange, yellow, whiteRed: CrystalGreen: ImmjooOrange: CherylYellow: Wan ZhenWhite: Hui Earm(FYL, I just anyhow bombed those names, xDD)4) Write down your favourite number.90906122Results:1) Cow represents career; tiger represents pride; sheep represents love; pig represents money; horse represents family.2) Dog represents your own presonality; cat represents the personality of your partner; rat represents the personality of your enemy; coffee represents what you think about sex; sea represents your own life.3) Red is someone you really love; green is someone you will remember for the rest of your life; orange is someone you consider a true friend; yellow is someone you will never forget; white is your twin soul.4) Pass this on to the number of people you wrote.Reactions:1) O.O!2) I think that sex is refreshing?!?!?!?! And my life is salty and about kayaking, -.-3) :D4) I need to pass this on to 90906122 people. Wow. Cheer for me. Hah, xDD
Monday, February 16, 2009, 5:41 PM
3 Unity'09 got a shock of their lifes today.Read on to know why... xDD(Fastforward to English lesson with Mr Tan>>)Mr Tan was LATE for lesson.I think that's because he didn't knew that he had lessons with us that time.So, yea, Ben went to look for him.Mr Tan came in, and rushed through the expositions.As usual, Andrew was giving all sorts of bullshit remarks.Bishesh and Varick were eating lollipops. Mr Tan said, "please take off the lollipop in your mouth."And as usual, Andrew was creating all sorts of retarded and nonsensical comments.And, so, yea, Mr Tan blew his top."WOW" was the reaction in our hearts.We've never seen Mr Tan that angry before..It's scary... =/But, yea, lessons carried on as usual, only that Andrew was extremely quiet and that Mr Tan wasn't joking much with us anymore..I really think that we took him for granted..We are blessed with such a fun and interesting teacher who never fails to make us laugh and listen during his lessons at the same time.But yet, we took it for granted..Okayyy. Let's fastforward again! >>I WANNA GO FOR LTC!! ;DDDIt'll be like, trekking for almost the whole day.But I bet it's gonna be FUN! Haha, ;DDWent to Hgm to seesee, looklook, walkwalk.And I left my Chem textbook at Macs. -.-"Went home, bathed, blahblahblah...Kays, I gotta go now!Homeworks' waiting for me! xDDOh, and thanks for all the belated v-day presents! :D
Saturday, February 14, 2009, 10:17 PM
 Look at how peaceful the water is.. That's the direct opposite of how my heart is right now..
Been pangseh-ed today. Wow, how sad.
Valentine's day sucked. =/
11:15 AM
Happy valentine's day!I'm going solo today.Cos I've got no one to be my valentine. So sad, ):Anyway, changed my blogskin.And there's something wrong with it.I can't find the date for the post. -.-And and, I don't know how to edit it.Raaaah, =/Xinhui pangseh-ed me. Dx
Friday, February 13, 2009, 9:55 PM
Wooooosh. I'm tired.For the past 4 days, many many things happened that made me moody, crazy, happy, screaming like mad, etc etc. Haha.(My eyes are closing any moment right now...)Okay, anyway.. Let's talk about today. Commemorated total defence day today which really reminds me of my primary school days.As usual, had porridge (cooked by Huijun, xDD), and some plain food for recess, and had to switch off all lights and fans from 9am till 10pm, just like what we did during primary school.And if we don't, we'll get sent for detention. -.-"Mr Goh and WongVL didn't came to teach us today, when I rushed my homework like crazy cos I don't wanna get thrown out by WongVL again. (Whoooops, xDD)But, had to do a surd's test, sweating like no body's business.Well, the relief teacher was good to us. HahaShe walked around the class fanning us. ;DDWas prettyyyyy lucky that we didn't had that Chinese letter writing test today. Haha. Did filing instead. Oooh! And I got 58/70 for my holiday assignment! ;DDI was daylight-robbed during recess. I bought that rose from Ms Nai for $3. xDDChem lesson really sucked. Like none of us was actually listening to Ms Tan talking. xDDTime passed slowlyyyy..........Most of us were trying really hard not to put our heads on our tables.If not Ms Tan will start nagging and nagging and nagging.But, we still can't help it that our eyelids felt heavy. xDDElective lit lesson pass VERY quickly! Haha. That's because Edmond, Shermane and I get to leave half-way through the lesson.And Mdm Divya took up about 15 minutes of the lesson for her nagging. (Again)Left the class at 1230 and met up with the rest. Had lunch in school, changed, and bus-ed to SGS.We waited and waited and waited, and waited.So we played with the 'ice blended 100plus' cos we had nothing better to do, and then, about half an hour later, we realised that we haven't changed into our half-u. -.-Boarded the bus, sat with Edmond and started talking about OBS. Haha, ;DDAnd we talked like there's no one on the bus listening to every word we said. Haha.The rehearsal was pretty strenuous.Try marching on the spot under the sun for half and hour, and you'll know how we felt.And and, having to coordinate with other schools, is really difficult.Cos you don't know what kind of 'standard' they have, and what kind of 'pattern' they have.And sometimes, you'll just feel like taking over the timer, and shouting out the timing at the top of your lungs.Cos, the timing is freaking slowwwwwww! xDDBut, we got used to the timer's timing anyway.Finally, the time we had been waiting for has arrived.DISMISSAL TIME! xDDDDDDBused back to SGS, and again, Edmond and I chatted like void deck aunty and uncle. -.-"And Sk and Shermane were laughing because Augustine smsed me. -.-"Had to change back to mufti at the void deck next to SGS, cos SGS closes at 6.Wth...?Okay, enough embarrassment already. xDDDecided not to eat out together cos it was already 7 plus when we reached SGS.So, bused back to Hougang, met up with JQ, and went home with Javier and JQ.And for the second time, I said that I was tired. Haha.Reached home, blahblahblah.I'm not angry at the __________ thing anymore. Haha, xDDSmile, smile, smile, and the troubles go away! ;DDGoodnight! (:And, thanks for all the Vday presents! ;DDHappy valentine's day in advance!!
Sunday, February 8, 2009, 8:00 PM
Hoho! I'm back from OBS and I'm SUNBURN-FREE! ;DDI don't even dare to share the group photo with everyone.Haha, that's because I look super duper retarded in that photo. xDDIt's on my facebook if you wanna see.Oooh, and I'm not supposed to look like that for goodness sake!My stupid fringe is NOT supposed to look like that.I smile like some idiot who has never smile in her life before.Well, that's because the instructor re-took the photo for like 4 times.And everyone is tired of smiling. Haha.Anyway, OBS is funnnnn!It's fun to an extend that words can't describe.So, you've gotta experience OBS! ;DDDD But of course, there were bad times.Examples:-People using eye power; Sand fly bites;Feeling coldddddd in the morning;That stupid group photo;Getting stuck at Chek Jawa for 2 hours, -.- ;Cannot bathe for 2 days;People not brushing their teeth for idk-how-many days;Having Xy&Claire talking about DBSK;Seriously, just people who likes to use EYE POWER. Damn, I fell asleep while studying bio, xDDBut I still can't accept the fact that I look retarded in the group photo!! =/Lol.Kays, I gotta go study bio now!Byes! (:How I wish I could scream at the highest point of P.U. and hear my echo.
Sunday, February 1, 2009, 3:30 PM
Kaaay, I know I'm kinda lag, but, I just realised that the first song on my playlist sounds weird.Well, I can't find any that sounds better than that, cos the rest were weirder! xDDSincere apologies for any inconvenience caused to your ears.
1:58 AM
Gosh, I'm going to OBS reaaaaaaal soon!Man, I'll miss so many things! xDDWow, look at the time. It's 1.59am already..It's already the 1st of Feburary, and OBS is on the 2nd!xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDOkaaaaaay, I shall talk about YESTERDAY, when I went out with Cheryl for almost the whole day.I was supposed to meet her at 11, but I overslept, so we met at 11.30am instead. Hah, xDDWent to Hgm to buy some stuffs, and bus-ed to Beach Road.Cheryl bought FBTs. Gosh, I feel like buying too but I have lots of them at home! xDDAte at the hawker centre, and walked to the bus stop to take 107 to Suntec.Damnit, new shoes suck. Got 2 BIG blisters, xDDMissed the bus, so we went in to Sultan Plaza to 'blow air-con'. Haha.Sultan Plaza reminds me of Serangoon Shopping Centre... O.oFound one interesting shop selling BIGBIG bottles of perfume.And when I say BIGBIG, I really meant BIGGGGGGG.Went out to check whether the bus was here or not, but saw the funeral thingggy, so we went back in again.Haha, xDDWent out again to check, and WOW. What a coincidence, the bus came when we said, 'walao, wait very long already leeeh...'LOL?Alighted outside my mum's 'ex-office', and walked to Suntec.We stepped into Suntec, and heaved a sigh of relieve that we finally reached Suntec.Haha.Ohoh! And we heard the Little Nonya song, thinking what big activity are they having..True enough, they were having some Little Nonya meet-and-greet session.It was super crowded there. So, we walked over to the other side of Suntec and shopped around.Went back to catch a glimpse of the Little Nonya thinggy.One HARD-CORE auntie fan was waving her hands in the air at some actor/actress.O.oContinued walking around, and then we went home.Took exactly the SAME bus that we took when we went to Beach Road.Kaaays, it's really late now, and I can't go back to sleep. xDDSo, I've decided, to stay up to study and do my homework!Kays, see you again in 5 days time! Goodnight! ;DD(Goldfishes are STUPID.)
the protagonist
Hillary's the name, (:
[Hillary or Hilary is a given and family name, derived from the Latin hilarius meaning cheerful.
Historically (in America), the spelling Hilary has generally been used for men and Hillary for women, though there are exceptions.
In modern times it has drastically declined in popularity as a name for men.]
I have been alive for 15 years and counting. I thank everything that landed me in hot and sunny Singapore.
I ended up in HIHS with my not-so-good and not-so-lousy PSLE score. Currently taking up BioChem, or rather, I'm in 3Unity'09,
and sometimes I really wonder if I'm in the wrong class.
Anyway, I'm a 2nd Class Corporal holder in HolyNPCC unit and I'm proud to be in Energizers'09, :D
I am not-so-easily recognisable with my height and looks, xD But I'm easily recognisable with my loud voice.
Yes, I'm a loud person. I can't stop talking. Well, maybe for a few minutes only, xD
I'm also a blunt, striaghtforward, talkative and chatty typical teenage girl who can talk about anything in the world, or simply laugh my ass off at something funny.
And that is why my voice is that easy to recognise. :D My straightforwardness and certain jokes tend to hurt people. Please forgive me if I ever hurt you through my
straighforwardness and hurtful jokes. I don't mean it, =/
Anyway, 13 April is an important day. Because it marks the day when people wish me a happy birthday.
Okay, since that now you know when my birthday is, you should know what to do! {HINTING!}
Let me tell you more about myself...
I like LOVE shopping.
Yes, like any other typical teen girl, I LOVE TO SHOP,:D
I like to walk into music shops and stare and admire the guitars and drums that they have on sale.
Lol, what a weird hobby I have, huh? Haha, xD
I like collecting Lilo & Stitch stuffs and other cute and furry soft toys. :D
Oooh! And I like collecting movie tickets as well! :D
I love denying the fact that I hate math. (Whooops, xD)
Math is a TORTURE for my brain cells, y'know!
However, I shall FORCE myself to love maths for the sake of my results, s:
I fancy even numbers.
Well, I don't think that is considered as a HOBBY. But, yea, I fancy even numbers.
And I have a thing for GIRAFFES too and I don't know why either, xD
I'm not only a shopaholic. I'm a TV-holic as well!!
I'm only into comedy and LOCAL DRAMA. So, don't ask me anything about Korean or Taiwan dramas.
Cus I'll be totally clueless about it. (:
I love milk, :D
I may not have the DANCE looks, but hey, it's not about the looks, it's more about the passion, :D
I HATE all those unnecessary stuffs growing on my face.
Well, who doesn't? xD
I've always dreamt of having a fun-filled life and being rich so that I can just buy anything off the shelf.
And I shall work towards that! :D
Okay. Now that you've know at least 10 things about me, I guess I shan't continue blabbing about myself. At the
end of the day, I guess that there'll be millions of I's used in this profile segment while I can make better use
of the time by doing better things in this world other than blabbing all about myself.
Okay, so I guess I shall end my profile RIGHTTTTTT....
Thanks for reading all the way up till this line! (:
freedom of speech
To be updated after 31 May 2009, (: